Digital Citizenship At FFCA

As educators, part of our role is to assist students in becoming responsible and contributing citizens in society. With technology becoming a pervasive tool, at FFCA we believe our role includes teaching students how to be responsible in handling their interaction with digital tools and technology. Digital Citizenship helps our students understand how to navigate the digital world more effectively.
Teaching students about Digital Citizenship involves preparing students for a society full of technology. At FFCA, Digital Citizenship is integrated in our Character Education program, embedded within the program are specific Digital Citizenship targetsthat are taught for Digital Citizenship. It is an expectation that these understandings, skills, and behaviours are embedded into each school's culture and curriculum as best it fits students and staff.
Please find below many examples of how parents can support digital citizenship at home by beginning the process of teaching their students how to use technology in an appropriate manner. We believe that developing responsible digital learners and leaders begins at an early age.
Digital Citizenship Poster Here is a Digital Citizenship Poster displayed in all of our classrooms. Feel free to use it to encourage Digital Citizenship at home.
Common Sense Media for Parents- An excellent resource that can help parents identify age appropriate apps, websites, movies, & games. Hands on resources for parents to explore digital citizenship with their children are embedded in the website.
Media Smarts- A comprehensive resource for parents and educators for digital citizenship.
NetSmartz- A great resource for parents with videos and games on digital citizenship.
Planet Nutshell Digital Citizenship Videos- An amazing bank of digital citizenship videos.
Edsby Online Communication & Collaboration

We are excited to be launching a new tool for online communication for the 2016-17 school year. FFCA Edsby can be accessed here!
Read & Write For Google Chrome

All students at FFCA have access to Read & Write for Google Chrome using their Google Apps for Education account.
To access Read & Write for Google Chrome link you must:
1. log into Google Apps with a student Google Apps for Education account (ending in for students). The login link is available at the top of the FFCA web page under "QuickLinks".
2. Be using a current Google Chrome Browser.
Please click on the link below to access Read & Write for Google Chrome.
Install Read & Write for Google Chrome
2 minute Introduction to Read & Write for Google Chrome
9 minute tutorial to Read & Write for Google Chrome
eTeacher Pages
Each teacher at all 7 FFCA campuses will have an eTeacher page, a publicly accessible page on the campus web site that contains information about that teacher, their classroom and associated resources.
A short guide for teachers can be found here - eTeacher Training Guide