Grade four students at SEE are taking responsibility for hosting clubs for younger grades. Students submit a proposal for their club that includes the type of club, which grade they would like to invite to join and the materials they will need.
These opportunities have proven a positive experience for both the grade fours leading the club and the students from other grades who got to take part in these fun activities. From a teacher’s perspective, it has been fantastic to see the students take on the leadership of having to plan and carry out clubs independently. It has also been rewarding to hear the way our grade fours interact with the younger students providing feedback such as, “I really like how you built that creative house out of Lego.” or, “Can I help you with that?”
When asked about hosting a drawing club for grade three, Nevina commented, “I like that I get to be in charge of little kids. It’s cool that they listen to us even though we’re younger kids because people don’t always know that we’re smart enough to do it.”
Christopher hosted a building club for grade one and said, “It’s really fun to meet new people in other classes. They were really nice and actually listened to us.”
About the drawing club Ivreen hosted for grade twos, she remarked, “I like guiding the kids. There was one kid who said he would totally come again, so I knew we did well.”