SMS PE Position Announcement

SMS Principal Educator Announcement
Posted on 04/24/2024
SMS Principal Educator Announcement

It gives me great pleasure to announce the appointment of Brian Crouch as the Principal Educator at the South Middle School Campus beginning August 2024.

Brian joined FFCA in 2009 as a social studies teacher and has also taught leadership, physical education and outdoor education. Brian holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Education specializing in history and physical education. He completed his Master’s in Coaching Studies from the University of Victoria in 2013. Brian has worked as an Associate Principal at the Southeast Elementary and South Middle School campuses over the last 5 years.

Brian shares the following on taking on this new role: “We are only as good as the people we work with. I’ve been extremely fortunate these past 15 years to have worked with amazing colleagues, inspiring mentors, and educational leaders. I look forward to continuing to foster partnerships with staff, families, and students at SMS.”

We are extremely pleased that Brian has accepted this new challenge. 

Kurtis Leinweber, Superintendent/CEO

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