Click here to view our full Charter document. See below for a few excerpts.
Alberta Education's Final Report on the 12-year review of our 15-year Charter
The FFCA Learner (For Whom We Are Intended)
FFCA is a K-12 school with eight campuses, offering a wide variety of learning
experiences for a culturally diverse population across the City of Calgary and
surrounding areas. The culture of FFCA is a relational one involving collaboration,
engagement and acceptance of diversity across the school community. In
delivering the Alberta Programs of Study through the lens of our Direct Instruction
Framework, our distinct approaches foster the personal development of every
child. FFCA's innovative approaches to teaching and learning allow our students
to evolve from supported learners to independent thinkers who have internalized a
deep understanding of character and leadership.
FFCA‟s programs provide a positive effective learning experience for students
while responding to the broad range of learning needs through the provision of
appropriate learning interventions. These interventions provide additional
resources and support for those students who are experiencing difficulties and are
implemented outside the development of individualized program plans. For a
review of how FFCA attends to the distinct needs of their learners, see Appendix
Parents and students who choose FFCA as their school do so primarily because
they support the distinctive approaches to instruction, the ethic of care, and focus
on excellence and parental involvement that permeate our school culture.

Vision of an FFCA Graduate
With intentional thought given to the design of the
learning experience at FFCA, graduates will leave us
with core knowledge competencies, skills and abilities
that are both essential and timeless. As creators of
knowledge, students will have achieved the ability to
think critically, care deeply and act ethically so that they
can contribute to creating a world that cares and
nurtures the diversity of cultures, celebrates personal
contributions, and inspires others to reach their true
potential. Proficient in their technological
communications, FFCA leaders will be able to work
independently or interdependently in a globalized
society where partnerships and relationships
strengthen the capacity to solve problems in
collaborative ways. Possessing the attributes of lifelong learners, graduates will be reflective and self-aware as they continue to evolve as successful
individuals guided by moral purpose.
The FFCA Learning Experience
Directed by distinctive approaches to teaching and learning within a safe and
caring culture, this charter school is committed to providing a successful learning
experience that values the contributions of all partners. FFCA is a supportive
learning community that cares about students‟ learning needs and their unique
talents, and has a strong desire to see each student achieve personal excellence.