What does home mean to you? SEE students
are once again participating in the Meaning of Home contest. Students in grades
4, 5 and 6 across Canada are invited to submit a writing piece to explain what
home means to them. Each of our 81 entries results in $10 being donated to
Habitat for Humanity helping families afford a home of their own. Almost
$60,000 has already been raised across Canada for this worthy cause.
Students have spent weeks contemplating
what home means to them. Through stories and figurative language, students have
tried to tap into how to best describe the essence of their home. There is much
freedom in the format permitted. It can be written in paragraphs, or lists, or
poems...or a combination of all three! Unlike any other assignment this year,
students have the liberty to choose how best to express themselves as long as
it is more than 50 words and less than 300!
So what does home mean to our grade 4s?
Home is where family
Home is like a warm
Home is where dreams
come true
Home is worth more
than all the money in the world
Home is warm like a
Home is safe
Home is colorful
Home is hugs from my
Home is beautiful
Home is love
A Home …….
Home is where everyone belongs .
A place where
dreams come true .
Where you are loved
and cared for .
Where people put
smiles on your face and help you.
Where you belong no
matter what race you are .
A place to have
memories and remember them .
Where people love
you and where you find love .
A place to believe
in yourself
It is a place to be
when you need it .
A place to
believe in yourself no matter what.
Where people
help you when you are down .
To make new friends.
Where you can count
on yourself and your family .
A place to
express yourself and your true feelings .
A home is where you
come .
A home is where I am
loved .
A home is
where I am warm .
A Home …….