Ten years. I spent the last ten years of my life as a stay-at-home mom. I can’t tell you how many people I have met that said, “Oh, you must have so much time on your hands!” or “I wish I could stay home.”
I was grateful to have the opportunity to stay at home and raise my two daughters, but it wasn’t that simple. No one talks about the isolation. No one talks about the loss of identity. No one talks about you giving up your career. No one understands why you are irritable. No one understands why you get so annoyed with your kids. No one understands why you are tired, after all, you just sit around the house all day.
Then one day, an email came from someone I now call my lifesaver, Valerie Ng. She had suggested that I should apply for a temporary grade six teaching position that was coming available in January 2018. My first instinct was to say no; how could I go back full time at FFCA North Middle School teaching? Would I be good enough? Would they even want to hire me, as I had not taught full time for ten years?
I updated my resume, pulled up my big girl pants and went to the interview for the temporary position with Shawna Drummond and John Deines. I was quite nervous about the interview and was offered the position a week later. Feeling forever grateful to these two for taking a chance on me, I accepted the position and immediately started planning my new classroom.
Instantly, and I mean instantly, my mood changed. I became the happiest, most motivated person. I was working late nights marking tests and assignments, and trying to balance everything I needed to do as a mom. I had a new found energy and this opportunity had rekindled my passion for teaching.
What I love about teaching is feeling like I have a purpose. My grade six students need me to help them learn new concepts and to guide them through their studies and challenges they face on a daily basis. I feel fortunate to be able to build strong relationships with them.
Yes, I come home tired at the end of my workday, but it is totally worth it. As it turns out, I am a much happier mom when I work outside the home and don’t stay at home.
Natalie Powell
Gr. 6 Teacher