Here at SMS, we love the creative expressionism of poetry! Our kiddos go through a variety of activities, from spoken-word poetry, to two-voice poetry, to analyzing their favourite music for aspects of poetry. One of my favourite assignments is our introductory activity, “Challenges to Young Poets” by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. Attached is a beautiful example of what this poem made one of our students think, feel, and visualize. Enjoy!
The instructions were:
“As you read “Challenges to Young Poets”, stop each time a line strikes you as: emotional, funny, confusing, inspiring, or provocative. Cut out the line or group of lines and paste them on a sheet of blank paper, along with your comments and a visual.
As we post these on the bulletin board, we will be able to see very clearly that poetry affects different people in different ways and on a variety of levels, from the deeply emotional, to the visually compelling, to downright confusing!”