Excellence at FFCA - More than just Academics

Excellence at FFCA - More than just Academics
Posted on 06/19/2019
Excellence at FFCA - More than just Academics

With this past weekend's publishing of the Fraser Institute rankings, it is easy to focus on the academic success of students at FFCA.  Academics is at the heart of any school and as such we take great pride in the accomplishments of our faculty and students in their teaching and learning.  But those who know FFCA best, know that we strive for excellence in all that we do and we work hard to instill that commitment in our students.  Many of our staff and students demonstrate their passion for excellence in a variety of domains frequently highlighted in this blog.

Two areas in which we pursue excellence are performing arts and leadership with character.  We recently received the following letter from the Alberta High School Drama Festival Association acknowledging our staff and students performance in these areas:

To the Board of Foundations for the Future Charter Academy,

Congratulations to FFCA for earning a place at the Alberta High School Drama Festival Association’s Provincial Showcase for 10 consecutive years! No other school in the 50 year history of our festival has achieved this exceptional milestone.

Every year, FFCA’s incredibly strong performances garner numerous awards for acting, directing and professionalism. Few other schools in the province are as highly regarded on Red Deer College’s stage as FFCA. The quality of work presented by your students whether on stage or behind the scenes has been truly exemplary. By my count, FFCA has won 56 awards and nearly all of these have been for outstanding achievement.

Perhaps even more important than talent is the strength of character your students and teachers bring to our festival year after year. They are unfailingly gracious and humble with the other participants and demonstrate exactly the attitude and dedication to the performing arts that we hope all our participants will model.

Once again, congratulations to FFCA on this remarkable accomplishment! I look forward to working with your students and teachers again at next year’s 50th anniversary festival.


Nashira Dernesch, AHSDFA President

Congratulations to the high school drama staff and students.  As with our provincial exam results, these successes of our high school students are built upon the foundational work of our elementary and middle schools as well as the strong support of parents. Together, FFCA works by helping build not just strong students, but strong citizens. 

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