I have been going over this a number of times and hopefully I have found a way to say what needs to be said. I remember when I was doing research for my thesis many years ago, I was sifting through some data found a piece of data that was one of the most profound things I have ever read. At the end of each day in a grade one class in a catholic school the teacher had a student say something they were thankful for in their prayers. A little boy raised his hand and said, “I am thankful to you Ms Fetsch.” Ms. Fetsch said, “That’s nice, why do you feel that way?” and the little boy replied, “Because when I came here all I wanted to do was read and you taught me.” I have found throughout my career, that many of the most profound and honest statements in life come out from children.
Getting around to the point of this note, I would have to say that when I went into teaching all I ever wanted to do was something meaningful that made a difference. From the very beginning of my career in small town Saskatchewan, to Regina, and for the last 20 years in Calgary I have seen this become a reality. At FFCA I have had the opportunity to work with students and parents that are nothing short of amazing. I have had an opportunity to grow throughout my career with staff members that have become family. I would mention each and every person here but I wouldn’t have the time, so please know I think of each of you. The bar at FFCA has set at a standard that challenges everyone to grow and learn. So thinking back on what I said earlier, when I came into teaching I wanted to do something that was meaningful and made a difference, FFCA has allowed me to do this. I am so thankful and proud to be a part of this organization. Thank you so very much and do not be strangers!
Lorne McDonald
Coordinator of School Services, Principal Educator, Associate Principal, Teacher, Colleague, and Friend!!!